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X March 1st 1867 X Black satin over skirt, with scarlet & yellow flowers festooning it up. Yellow waist, with black satin x little unclear, trimmed with gold and lace. Scarlet flowers in my bosom, scarlet watered sash black lace shawl put over the head with gold crown. My two boys dressed as Fisherboys Ada a Polish Princess, her dress was a white Alpaca trimmed with a wide band of Fur on the edge, same Fur around the neck and sleeves, also around the front of the Polish cap, pink silk over dress spangled high pink kid boots, mask on. Daisy as a X flower girl with mask. Both boys had masks one boy seven years and the other five. X At twelve o'clock we had all unmask. X April 16, 1874 X I regret sadly that I neglected my Journal and ceased to keep it up. I had been so faithful for several years. I do not remember now why I stopped writing. So many things of great importance transpired in the last seven years. My daughters are now all grown. When I gave up my journal they were all busily engaged in school. I will try and remember some of the past. We left the house we lived in on Wabash Avenue corner of Hubbard Court, and moved on the West Side to a house on West Washington Street No 319. We spent two months at Riverside, we had a cottage there and took our meals at the Refectory, I am too fast about our visit to Riverside - it was after we lived two years on West Washington. My daughters all three attended Mr Grovers Seminary - it was the only school they ever went too. They commenced their Primer at the Dearborn Seminary and Graduated at the same school with high honors. Belle was valedictorian when she graduated, and Eva won much praise and love. They were much loved by all their teachers, and received many flowers the closing night. Belle had a friend who lived opposite to us who she loved dearly, Miss Isaacs. She and Mr T. W. Barters family all went to Europe