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Journal of Mrs. A. C. Badger, Chicago Ill. Sunday Dec 17th 1865. A beautiful day. but cold. all well. children went to Sabbath School. four of them. Father Badger dined with us. So did Alice Hilton. My husband out to his Mothers. Monday Dec 18th 1865. Weather blank. all blank. Hannah finishing the magenta dresses of Belle & Eva. making them new Lionesse cloth. Making Ada a scarlet satin dress. I have a great deal to do. as I want to go to Louisville on Wednesday. Our old black cook Rachel lost her baby. Willis of consumption three weeks ago. made last week several calls on the west side. called to see Mother Badger Uncle Isaac and family left for their home in Mississippi on blank night. I went with Mr Badger to the Depot with them. they have four young children. the baby six weeks old born in Chicago. went last Teusday to a party at Mrs McGinnis on Michigan given to a Mr De Voght. enjoyed myself much Mr Morse and Mr Cogswell called. Mr Badger & I called to see Mrs Beecher. Tuesday Dec 19th Again it is cold. all well. working hard to get all our things finished before we start for Louisville Wednesday Dec 20th It is fearful cold. some fear that the snow will prevent travel on the cars. if so we will be very disappointed in not going to Louisville. I shall still finish getting ready. I went down town to day. and took Shreve & Sheridan with me. it blew severely before we returned home. and a severe storm of snow came up. we could scarce see before us the snow was like a cloud it was so fine. Thursday Dec 21st 1865. It is still Severely Cold. but clear. I finished packing this morning. and fear we will not get off to night. Mrs Tilton & children. all came to say good bye to us. Mr Badger brought me good news at dinner that we could go to night. so we hurried up. had two carriages. baggage