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[at top of page Hannah 24 Octave Aug 25 Henry Friday 21st

Friday Aug 21st 1863. It is quite warm this morning. I went down street and did some shopping- bought me a calico dress and magenta plaid dresses for the children. met Mrs. A. Bigelow at my husbands office. he invited Mr Badger Mr Hilton & myself to go to Mrs Johnsons and get cream - we accepted, after tea Mr Badger and I called upon Mrs Flints family. Mrs Bigelow called to see us. we hired a black man this morning named Henry. Saturday Aug 22nd It is a bright day. I stayed at home to day cutting out work. after dinner Mr Badger myself and four children went to Sister Hiltons to supper - had a nice time. Saw Capt Hite in the Office Sunday Aug 23rd It poured rain last night and looks like rain now. I went with Adele Flint to Trinity Church. Sheridan went with his father to Unitarian Church. after dinner took all the children and went out to the West End to say good bye to Mr & Mrs Haskell - who return to Boston in the morning. baby sick to night it turned very cool in the night. Monday Aug 24th Hannah came this morning. I went to the Office - saw Mr Barrett & his son Hite - who returns to Kentucky to night met Arianna Generett went with her to Licinias and took dinner - Major Wilson called to see me - so did Mrs Honores children received a letter from Woodville Missippi [sic] - the first for two years from Uncle Stanwood he has his third child a boy - the war prevented our corresponding - after tea Mr & Mrs Wm H. Brown called also Walter Hilton Teusday Aug 25th It is quite cool and delightful to day - after we went to breakfast Octavius Badger arrived from New York - quite well I went with Licinia Ada & Sheridan down street shopping returned late - after tea I went with Mr Badger Octave and children to Licinias to play euchre. we had refreshments. Octave took us all to Mrs Johnsons and treated us to cream at two O.clock. received a letter from Pa who is now in Cincinnati, and will go to New York. Sister Belle had a daughter at half past four this morning. fourth baby. Wednesday Aug 26 It is warmer to day - we all well - several girls have called to get me to hire them - I have not yet decided on one - Mrs Harlin & Mrs Davis called to see me - I went down street and then called to see Mrs Billings and Mrs Sherman about a girl after tea Mr Badger Octave & myself all went to see Mrs Bronson