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Thursday April 9th 1863.

To day is as lovely as May -- we all well -- at twelve O.clock I took Belle & Eva and went to the laying of the corner Stone of the Unitarian Church -- It was very impressive -- many were there -- Miss Schoofenberg came to see me -- I wrote home --to night the children had Louisa & Florence Clark, Lilly Harmon Lena Flint and Nelly Clyde to tea -- they enjoyed themselves --

Friday April 10th 1863.

It look like rain early this morning -- and really has, often to day sprinkled I went shopping for a head dress and did not find one -- we all well Belle & Eva spent Afternoon with Emily Gilman -- at eight O. clock -- Mr Badger, Octave and Mr Bigelow and myself all went out to Mr Bryan,s to the Grasshopper Club -- it rained some -- we enjoyed our evening very much -- returned home in our Carriage at two? in the morning at seven in the evening there was a large fire -- and at two next morning it broke out again -- we rode up to the fire with Mr Bigelow it was an awful sight -- yet very grand -- the stores were owned by D. J? Ely. and filled with Whiskey & Alcohol. Mr Badger/my Husband lost Six hundred barrels of flour -- but it was insured.

Saturday April 11th 1863.

It is a bright day -- at one O. clock -- I went to Mr Gards Photograph gallery -- took Belle Eve Ada & Sheridan with me -- had all their pictures taken -- one group of the three girls -- Mrs Walter Gurnee & Miss Delia called -- after tea we all played cards -- letters from home state that they all are better --

Sunday April 12th

Again we have fine weather -- we all in health this morning -- I went to Mr Thomas,s church -- took all four children with me -- Mr Tuttle preached he invited the Unitarian Sociable to our house on Wednesday night after dinner Mr Badger myself and four children all went to Father Badgers. Walter took tea with us -- I wrote home --

Monday April 13th

It is a bright day -- and we all feel well -- Belle & Eva start to day to school again -- their two weeks vacation being over -- I am going down town this afternoon -- Navigation is open -- and our Lake is a busy scene with Vessels. they also began this morning to sprinkle our street -- everything looks like summer -- all nature seems beaming with life --

Teusday April 14th

It is a pretty day -- I am playing Nurse while my nurse is working it is hard work as my boy weighs over thirty pounds -- I went down town to day -- children went in a hack to Mr Edwin? Hunt's party -- at nine O. clock. Mr Badger and I went after them -- we enjoyed the little party and stayed untill 12 Oclock. I received the childrens Photographs this afternoon -- I had letters from my Sisters to day -- they all better --