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Monday March 23rd 1863

This is one of the most misty foggy days I ever saw -- every now and then raining -- we all well -- I went down street and bought a paper doll for to send to Jaimie -- there was a very large fire to night -- I was a store that belonged to J. H.? Dunham.

Teusday March 24th 1863.

This is another gloomy day -- Eva not well -- I kept her at home -- I cut out work in the morning for my Seamstress -- then after dinner I went up Michigan Avenue to see a house on Harmon Court -- then on Wabash to see Alex. White,s house -- it is turning cold and snowing slightly.

Wednesday March 25th

Another gloomy day, but dry -- Eva better -- she is a little billious -- Belle is preparing herself for the examinations? next Thursday or rather Friday at her school -- after Tea Mr Badger and I went to see Mrs Flint and her daughter from New York -- Mrs Dortie? -- while we were there -- Mr Hoswell and young Ely, called to see us -- childrens new light gaiters and thick boots just come home from Mrs Buffum? -- Mr Hunt came from Louisville to day --

Thursday March 26

This is a glorious day -- sun so bright, air so exhilerating -- we have not house in view yet -- Mother Badger walked in this morning from the West End -- took dinner with us -- and walked out again it was quite an undertaking for her -- Mrs Dr Byford -- Miss Byford and Mrs Leonard called to day -- also Cousin Brackett Badger with Mrs Judge Higgins -- Eva better. Belle took her Music lesson -- Mr Hunt called and spent the evening with us -- received letters from home -- they report that all are better -- Belle is going to speak at school to morrow -- Hannah dressed a boy doll for Belle to day --

Friday March 27th

This is a lovely day -- Ada went to school with Belle to look on -- Eva very stiff in her limbs with Rheumatism -- I went down town with Sheridan shopping -- after tea Mr Hunt called and took Mrs Hilton Mr Badger and myself all out to the Negro Minstrels -- we enjoyed it much -- after leaving the Hall -- Mr Hunt took us all to Mrs Johnsons to get a Supper -- we had stewed Oysters -- Champagne -- Sherbet and Cakes -- we returned home at eleven O. clock -- Sister Hilton stayed in town all night with us.

Saturday March 28th

This has been a chilly day -- Eva is so crippled that she cannot walk -- all the rest well -- Sister Hilton and I went shopping after breakfast -- I returned home at three -- sent for Dr Small. he says Eva has Rheumatic fever -- after dinner I called to see the bride Mrs John Drake at the Tremont -- Walter Hilton gave me his picture