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x gone Oct 7- ? 5th

Tuesday Sept 30th 1862 It rained to day - Sister Bell and Mr Shreve went down town today and bought me a handsome onyx set with pearls? a beautiful gold bracelet a pair of sleeve buttons and an eye glass - a breastpin for Ema and gold ring for Belle - I went to dressmakers in rain received two letters from Pa - more excitement in Kentucky rebels under Dragy? said to be near Louisville - 8 miles off Buckner & John Morgan near with also very large forces

Wednesday Sept crossed out Oct 1st It has been a rainy day - we all well but baby - he has fever from teeth - we took a hack and went to dress makers - Hannah not here today - baby quite sick to night

Thursday Oct 2nd It rains to day - baby still very unwell - Sister Belle got a hack and we went and did some shopping - Ada a little hoarse

Friday Oct 3rd Baby very ill last night with dysentary I sat up with him he in much pain - Gracie and Belle Gurnee? came to see children baby still very ill - Mr Badger gone to telegraph office with Belle and Ema - she received a letter from David - they arrived home safe but were detained on the way

Saturday Oct 4th It is quite damp to day - Mattie Shreve not well she has deranged? stomach - My baby very sick - spends very hard nights Ellen and I sit up with him all night - Mrs Hilton and Ella called to see us Mr Wastell is given the children their lesson -

Sunday Oct 5th It is a beautiful day - Sister Belle talks of returning to Kentucky to night Mr Shreve is anxious to return - Mr Badger gone to Sunday School - He is superintendent of the school - baby still very sick - all the rest well -

Monday Oct 6 - It is bright to day but cold - my baby so sick I sent for Dr Small the Neopathy? doctor - he out of town so his ? Dr Colton came and perscribed for him - Mr Wastell gave children their dancing lesson - children weighed to day - Belle weighed 89 James just 11 - Eva 80 - 10 1/2 - many Contrabands have come to the city and found homes

Tuesday Oct 7 - Baby a little better Dr Small called to see him teething the trouble we took a hack and went shopping - Sister Belle wanted some things - her black nurse Nancy stole many things from me and has carried them off in her trunk - Sister and all her family left to night for their home in Kentucky - we all went to the depot with them - I feel very lonely since their departure -

Wednesday Oct 8th 1862 It rains hard to day - my baby a little better - had the house well cleaned feel much the loss of my relations - all well - had a letter from David a battle expected near Louisville Matt Ward shot by a rebel on his plantation