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Tuesday Feb 4th 1862.

This has been a bright sunny day -- we all quite well -- children all out skating -- Mrs D. Butler & Mrs Henry I Whitehouse called. Mr Badger gone out far on the broad lake skating -- Belle & Eva gone to Mrs Gilmans to Tea -- Ada & Mr Badger gone to see Anderson -- the Magician -- I received a letter from Pa -- Mr Gilman broke his thumb --

Wednesday Feb 5th 1862

This has been another sunny day -- ice melting we all well -- children went to Mrs Gilmans to Dancing school -- I received a letter from Siss -- Mrs Nelson Tuttle and Miss Emerson came to see me -- Mr Badger gone to Mrs Beecher,s to a church sociable -- there is a great deal of skating on our lake -- every night for three nights there has been a great many persons skating untill 10 O clock. The Grasshopper club meets at Mr Herfoots to night -- they go out in Sleighs --

Thursday Feb 6th 1862.

Another bright sunny day -- children out with servants shovelling off snow -- we all well but baby boy complaining some this afternoon -- Ada gone to buy a pari of black slippers for herself. the Grasshoppers did not return home untill eight O. Clock this morning -- Mr Badger gone a little while to his Fathers this afternoon --

Friday Feb 7th 1862.

The day has been colder than yesterday -- we all well -- baby much better to day -- he spent a bad night last night -- I received a letter from Virginia -- she says Mrs Duffield has a new baby girl five days old -- old Mrs? Thompson Gray died in Louisville 75 years old -- children and their Father out on the basin skating -- bought Ada a pair of black slippers -- Mr Badger gone to see Rev Thomas -- returned at 11. O. clock --

Saturday Feb 8th 1862

Another bright sunny day -- we all quite well -- at three O clock children went to Mrs Gilmans to Dancing school -- after Tea Mr Badger went to Andersons and took the children -- he is a magician -- they returned after 11 -- O. clock--

Sunday Feb 9th 1862.

To day is cold but very sunny -- Mr Badger & children gone to church -- we are all quite well -- I will write home this morning -- I wrote to Pa Virginia & Siss -- Mr Badger gone to night Church -- and also to see his Father --

Monday Feb 10th 1862

It looks like snow -- Belle. Eva. & Ada gone down town -- we all quite well -- Mother Badger -- SisterHilton Husband & Octave came to see me -- Mrs Horton & daughters called to see me -- children out this afternoon skating -- Mr Badger went to see Mr Willard to night. returned home and is now arranging his desk