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Wednesday, Jan 29th, 1862 This is a lovely sunny day - all of us well. children took their bath and went out to work. after dinner they went to Mrs Goodrich's to dancing school. Emma Gilman came in her carriage and took them to school and also brought them back. Mrs Hilton spent afternoons with me and she and husband took Tea. Mr Badger and John went skating on the Basin. Mary Arthur invited the children to a party Friday night. Thursday, Jan 30th, 1862 This is a bright morning but cold. we are all well. I rose early and commenced writing before breakfast. the Grasshopper Club meets at Mrs Hayne's tonight. I received a letter from Siss I will send some old clothes to a poor baby far off to day. children serving society meets at Mrs. Walker's today. this is also my reception day. children went shopping for me. I received a letter from Daniel. I wrote to Pa. Misses? Steele and unclear Mrs Thomas called to see me. both Ellens and myself almost made Belle and Eva's white merino dresses today. Belle and Eva went with their Father and Uncle Hilton skating on the Basin before our door this afternoon for the first in their lives. they had new skates. they also took supper with Ella Walker. Friday, Jan 31st, 1862 The sun shines brightly today. children all well out playing after their studies. we will finish Bille and Eva's white merino dresses trimmed with ruffles of red ribbon. five rows on skirt, lappells on neck and waist the same for Mary Arthurs party. Mrs Hilton and all the children came in to skate on our basin and spent some time with me. Mrs B. T. Sherman came to see me. I received a letter from Virginia Mrs Badger went to see Mrs Thomas after tea and he then went to Mrs Arthuer's for the children and stayed until 12 o clock. Belle and Eva went skating. Eva skated alone, but Belle cannot yet. Saturday, Feb 1st, 1862 This is a beautiful sunny day. snow on the ground but dry. this is my boy's birthday. he is three years old. Sheridan is his name. I will finish children's black lustre aprons today and I will write home today. children's dancing school meets this afternoon at Mrs Goodrich's. Emily Gilman came in her sleigh and took children to school. Mr Badger went skating. Eva lost her fur cape. children of their Father started to Mr unclear but it was so cold they came back unclear and children went skating on the Basin today. Sunday, Feb 2nd, 1862 This is a bright sunny day. we are all well. Mrs Badger came to Church and Sunday school. Octave came to see us. I wrote to Ma and Sister Shreve?. after dinner Mr Badger Belle and Eva went to see Father Badger's family. Octave sick with cold. Monday, Feb 8th, 1862 It snowed a little this morning. children on the lake skating. all of them. Mr Badger also skating. Mrs James Robb called to see me. she all well