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Wednesday 6th Nov 1861. I feel better to day and will get up. Mr & Mrs also Miss Goodwin called. the Grasshopper Club will meet here to night. Mr Wastell? gave children another lesson. at night the company arrived - we had a very pleasant evening - had a bunch of music. - I am much better - Mr Wastell? played for Belle & Eva on his violin by? demand the minuet de la Cour - we had a nice supper at eleven - they all left at 12.

Thursday Nov 7. 1861. A pretty day - the children all well - Mr Wastell? gave them their lesson - Ella Walker will join our class next Monday - after Tea Mrs Badger & myself called on unclear Thomas & wife and spent a pleasant evening. Lena? Flint? came to invite children to her party Friday night.

Friday Nov 8th 1861. It looks cloudy to day - unclear are all well - children gone walking - brought Belle & Eva new hoop skirts - Ellen Donoven received a letter from her Brother in Louisville announcing the death of her Sister Bridget. she was much troubled - Belle & Eva have gone to Mrs T. J. Flints? to a party - Mr Badger has gone for them - the Cannon is firing to night. I know not for what yet. a large Battle hourly expected in Missouri - & Kentucky - my baby boy is cutting one eye tooth and four double teeth - he is 2 years and 9 months - Ada did not get her eye teeth until she was three years old - I received the molding? Cards to day of Dr & Mrs Charles White (she was Miss Kellogg - Gion? Batts? - Mrs A. B. Kilet? coloured man of Louisville came to Chicago a few days ago - he saw off - the firing of Cannon was to receive Col Mulligan - a long toreh? light Procession. Cavalry of Soldiers - great demonstration

Saturday Nov 9th 1861. It is a very pretty day - soon after Breakfast the little children went walking and I took Belle & Eva and went to the office and then shopping - at three O.clock we visited Monsieur? Marasole Dancing School. she has many pupils but deems to teach without an form? - the children use their feet very badly. Mr Wastell? our Teacher teaches from the beginning of the science? - and at the end of a quarter his pupils know how to handle their feet and turn them out - received a letter from David Ella was here to day

Sunday Nov 10th 1861. It threatens rain this morning - I think we will all go to Church - we went to Trinity Church - found Mr Rawson?? & Mr Ewebries?? Hutchings of Louisville there they came home with us and stopped awhile - in afternoon Mr Badger went to Sherman Honda to see Mrs Rawson? & Mary who also came Sunday morning -

Monday Nov 10th 1861. It is quite a pretty day - at 12 Oclock I sent for a Hack? and took Belle Eva & Ada to see the Rawsons? - then we paid visits untill 7-Oclock- called on Mrs Billings Mrs David Tompson - Mrs Walker - park sow - Mrs Tuttle Miss King & Schoofeiberg? - Mrs & Miss Hortons - Mrss Dupey? & Mrs Major Slemmer? - Mrs Keibbard? Porter called to see me - my children returned the calls of Miss Flint. Miss Willard Miss Heumond? Miss Clark - Mr & Mrs W. H. Brown came to see us after Tea.

Tuesday Nov 12th 1861. It looked very cloudy to day - I went with children shopping until two Oclock