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Thursday 22nd Aug 1861 It is pleasant to day we all very well Belle gone to Mr. Heely the Artist to have her Portrait taken. We all very well - Eva wrote her first nice letter to day. Friday 23rd Aug 1861 Amy Upsetting?? day - woke up at 6 O'clock and much to our surprise our servant came up and told us that M TT. Shonese? wife 2 children and 2 Nurses were in the Library with all their Trunks. We were very delighted they came all very well and look first rate. her children very fat. they just returned from Cleveland - we have both sisters with us now. Mrs Faulds? and family and Mrs. Shrere's? family - we have plenty of house room, Mrs. Sherman Mrs. Holand and Mrs. Brown also Mifs Heywood called to see me. I will write to Pa to day.

Saturday Aug 24th A beautiful day - all well but Sis she is bad with Headache. Belle going to Mr. Heely to sit for Portrait. I wrote to Ma - my foot a little better - Brother Shnene got 2 Barringes and took us all to ride over Chicago - we had a jolly time - with all the children which was unclear.

Sunday Aug 25th 1861. This is a beautiful. We are all well and happy. We sent for a Hack and Siss Virginia Jamie Belle & Eva also myself went on the north side to Rev Clarcksons Church unclear St James-Church - in the afternoon Mr. Shrene Mr. Badger Belle & Eva went to the West end to visit Father Badger - they also went to Christian? Church. Mr James Speed of Louisville has lost his son 7 years old of Diptheria. His name was Edward Shippen.

Monday Aug 26. It is beautiful weather to day we changed some of our Presituse remained at home until six then took a ride. Mr. Badger Mr Shrene John Hilton and Idamins?? Badger all went out in a Tug Boat to some points of the river. Mrs. Gray and Mrs. Holmes called to see us all. Mrs. Sherman called also. Mifs Heywood also called also Ben Thomas & Wife.

Tuesday Aug 27 1861 Weather still charming - Siss and Belle gone shopping. Mr. Forsyth and daughter called to see us - so did Mr. Belknop of Louisville. Mr. Badger Mr. Shrene John Hilton and Octune gone on another exploring expedition on the river. Belle has finished sitting for her Portrait. We are all in health.

Wednesday Aug 28. 1861. A beautiful morning I rose early to write to my Brother Joe - he is in Louisville not much informed by his Water Cure? - he talks of going South. Mr Mrs unclear & Mifs Gurnse called to see us. We all took a short walk. [[Unclear}} played for children We all very well.

Thursday Aug 29 - 1861 This is a unclear morning - we are all very well children taking a walk before Breakfast. I am visiting to David - Mr. Shrese gave me his Picture. after dinner wee all went and took a ride. Pauline received a letter from her unclear Mrs. Portman to come on Immediately to Portland as they would leave on 14th Sept in Vessel for Europe. She much distressed as she cannot leave to day - it is too late for the Cars.