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Tuesday, 2nd July, 1861 This is a very beautiful day. Ellen Badger stayed all night with us. After breakfast Father Badger & Horace called. At ten Oclock Ella myself & Belle & Eva went shopping on Lake Street. They have very fine business houses. My husband has the finest bank in Chicago. I received a letter from Pa & Joe this morning. They all very well. I will write to them today.

Wednesday, 3rd July 1861 It is beautiful weather - I stayed at home today and arranged my linen closet. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan of Louisville called to see me. They are spending the summer here. Mr. Badger, James & John Speed, Ella Badger & my children went rowing in a little boat. At 1 O'clock Mr and Mrs Ely of Chicago came to see me. The Gentlemen call with their wives a great deal]. I like the custom..

Thursday 4th July 1861 A glorious day it is on the lake. Some boats are crowded with picnic parties. A very long train passed crowded going to Hyde Park. At Cottage Grove many companies spent their day. At 11 Oclock Mr. and Mrs. unclear & daughters of Blanche Bryan? called to see me. At 12 Oclock Mr. and Mrs. Henry unclear called to see me. Mr. A.D, Hunt of Louisville dined with us. At 4 Father Badger came in from his home at the West End and took us all to his house to shoot crackers. We did not return until 9 in the evening. Then we saw plenty of Fire Works. Mr. Badger returned at 10 he has been riding with Mr. Hunt?. There was very pretty Fire Works next door to us. We are all well.

Friday July 5th 1861 We did not rise early this morning. Weather beautiful. Belle has learned how to crochet roses?. They improve in French. Mr. Hunt and Mr. Tifford came to say good bye they leave for Lexington. I will write to Brother Joe. At 7 Oclock Mr. and Mrs, Tinklemen called to see us. The organ man played here for children.

Saturday July 6 1861 It is quite warm today. I am writing to Sister Licinia. We are all very well. Nancy has gone marketing first time. Pauline making children pretty crochet lace for Panties. I have spent 2 hours reading the Louisville Journal. I enjoy reading home papers.

Sunday, July 7, 1861 It is very warm today. We all went to Universalist Church it is a very lovely church. Octave spent day with us. In afternoon Mr. Maxwell (Marvin) of New York called to see us. His boy is 3 years & 8 months. We are all very well. My boy has cut his first stomach tooth this morning. He is 2 years 5 months. Charles our gardner called us Saturday evening to see a night blooming cereus. It was very beautiful like white wax. Next morning it was all closed up. Mr. Wallace of Louisville died the 3rd of July. We hear nothing of the war news here. The Nashville trains are stopped from carrying passengers away or to Louisville by Southern people. I know not how Mr. Hunt will retire.