Monday 4th March 1861. X Dancing School Commenced X
This was a very bright day but quite a change it is cold- Virginia called as she was riding to see us - Mrs. Dr. Powell sent to borrow Ada dresses. Mrs. Sam Meisiger + daughter Mrs. Annie Chambers called to see me - so did Mr. R Hopkins & Mrs. Eaches? - they wanted to know how much our house cost - I think the house cost about twenty thousand and the lot about four thousand. Mr. Badger says that is correct - we have a fine yard and superior bowling Alley - and very nice Billard room - our house is three stories high - and very handsome - Sister Belle called to see me - all of us well - baby went to her Grandma Sheridan - children out playing -
Tuesday 5 March 1861. This is a very cold day - we are all very well Virginia + Siss came to see me - my little ones after study are in the garden playing I have been busy to day altering childrens brown straw Hats - Belle + Eva went to spend evening with their Grandma Badger - received a letter that my Brother Joe is sick with Rheumatism in New York -
Wednesday 6 March 1861. This has been a very beautiful day - my family all in fine health - Mr. Gunter did not come his wife sick - I went visiting with Siss - called on Mrs. Dr. Caldwell on Mrs. Pirtle Mrs. James Robinson - Mr. Griswald Mrs. Edward [M crossed out]orris Mrs. Hearsley Carter Mrs. North - Mrs. Sam Tompkins Mr. Capt Shuley - then went to Ma's to dinner - after went with Virginia + Siss to spring Shopping - after tea Mr. Badger went to Church lecture I went to Ma's with Belle + Eva Ada went to Grandma Badgers -
Thursday 7 March 1861. This has been a lovely day - Mr. Gunter came to give Belle her Lesson in Music - we are all in fine health thank God [underlined] for it - Virginia took baby boy to spend the day with her, after Tea Mr. Badger myself Belle + Eva went to Grandma, Badgers house - making Ada pink Merino dress trimmed with pink ribbon - my Father is 63 years old to day -
Friday 8 March - 1861 - X This was a bright day but very windy - gave children lessons and then let them run + play -after dinner went to Dancing school at the Hall - took Belle Eva + Ada and commenced X them with Mr. Wastell dancing - Fanny Tyler was 14 years 14 day of Feb 1861 - Roberta 12 25 Dec 1861- years - it rained + stormed when we left dancing school and we had to come home in a Hack - we all very well - school full of Whooping Cough but Ada has not taken it yet -
Saturday 9- March 1861 - To day threatened rain + is quite cold - at ten I went to Masonic temple with Belle + Eva to take their Dancing lesson - it snowed + rained badly while we were there Siss came for me in her Carriage at three returned with Ada +children Ella Badger went too - Belle + Eva danced their Fancy Dance Over the Summer Sea - Mr. Zane gave them Oranges - Mr. Badger has Headache to night heard to night that my Brother Joe is very sick in New York with inflamatism Rheumatism - his third attack -
Sunday 10th 1861. It has been very cold to day - children went with their Father to Sunday school - Pa took Breakfast with us. I went to Unitarian Church - children took dinner with Siss - came home at three I read all Afternoon to them Father Badger + Octave came to supper - I went to Church after supper - wrote to Brother Joe - stopped in to see Ma a minute -