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He was very hard & even bitter towards all Ch. influence. Something seemed to draw him into the old B. class every Sat. & then he would combat me in every religions with unclear trying in every possible way to destroy all the force of unclear upon the minds of the church. He spoke freely of his own disbelief of the bible & everything of the kind.

  Young P. finaly came to try his unclear. He came to the M. house to unclear unclear It will be unclear with unclear Sunday I. Why? Said he, indignation. You are like a poor little boat out on the waters - ocean with no compass & rudder -- you will be drifted about in any way that your Master the Devil shall choose." 
  He started to his feet. his eyes flashing. You want me to be a Christian! How can I be a Ch. when I have no feeling! I will not deceive you. I hear not our