Is it not sad dear children, that there should be so much ignorance and darkness in our own country. We hope Paganism is receiving now, its death blows, and we trust dear Cape Cod Children that you are helping to strike them through your Indian Preacher. Sometimes we have encouragement like this. In one of our meetings, a young man arose and said these words. "Now I am resolved you shall have my voice. You all know I'm a great sinner. When I began to come to these meetings, I didn't know anything about the Gospel. God knows I'm a great sinner. I have made up my mind to repent. The more I hear of this Gospel, the more I believe there is something we haven't got. Something that we Pagens don't know any thing about. And now at this time, I do believe the Gospel, and that Jesus Christ is the Savior of Sinners. I have resolved to repent of my sins, and give them up. I have drank a few times. I repent of that. I resolve I will never drink another drop of Whiskey in my life. I repent too of my disobedience to my mother.