This was more easily said than accomplished, her house being half a mile in the woods, reached by means of a road never to be described! We made a very free and easy acquaintance with the most outrageous mud holes, stumps and thumps, and finally drew up in style at the shanty. Were introduced to a room, about 10 ft by 17, containing three beds, a large stove in the middle with a hot fire, a table, and bench. Into this room the people kept coming until we numbered thirty-two, densely packed. Every air hole, or breathing space, carefully guarded! We smothered, suffocated, there until half past 1? o’c. Had a very good meeting! Nearly all spoke. We sang 10 times, and each time I thought I could not open my mouth in that air again! There were several young men present who repented of drinking. That long, long ride through the woods, and across the river, at that hour of the night. We got home at 12 o’clock at night. Tired & sick.