a right spirit within me. These verses were interpreted word by word - & they seemed interested. They all looked so happy it was quite touching. We taught them to sing asquida - TGay Yate Geti- tah dyoh.
At 5 o'c. Went to Newtown, a pleasant Meeting. Webster Pierce preached, and the people listened well.
May 21st. Auntie & I - visited at Newtown. - Called on the sick - found Asher Young very feeble - running down with consumption. Auntie stayed with Sylvia all night. I went after her in the morning. I think my Mass. friends would have been somewhat surprised to have seen me start from the Mission home with old Ruhania - & the rickety buggy. An old hen tied under the seat - for Asher Young. She made vigorous efforts to extricate herself, most of the way, but was rather unsuccessful! In front, a basket with the old cat & kittens, for Sylvia, a piece of old carpeting on the basket, with holes cut, to ventilate.