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with the box, and has a valve with which to regulate the heat. This is said to take out the aches, but I did not experience much relief. I felt refreshed but not healed. We rose early the next morning, and at 6 A.M. were ready to gallop off towards Puna, on our way home: which is thirty eight, or forty miles ride, in one day. This is a hard, rough road over pahoehoe and a-a. These are the names of two distinct kinds of lava. There, going down the steep side of the mountain, and along the plain, we could see the different lava flows, ancient and recent, and of every formation. We stopped at noon to rest ourselves and our horses at the house of a very respectable native: near the seashore, where was one of the principal places of destruction, at the time of the terrible earthquake and tidal wave in 1868. There the ground rose, then sunk, and the sea came in and swept scores of people, houses, gardens, cattle &c, into the sea. Many lives were lost, and where was a little village on the beach, is now under water. The rock near is broken so abruptly, that it looks unclear if cut. A vast sandbank was also washed up. The wave was destructive, more or less, all around the island. There were outbursts from the mountain; a mud flow, and lava. The volcano had been inactive for a long time, and at this time, showed terrible spasms of rage, and the natives felt that Pele, was showing her powers of rage. Many christian natives, united in prayer with other christians, all day and all night, till it ceased, and many a praying band were saved while exposed to imminent danger, and could not stay in their houses, or even under the trees, lest they be crushed. The ground was shaken and rent in many places. We arrived at Puna, Capt. Eldents, about 5 P.M. It had been a long, wearisome, journey, and as a quietus for our fatigue, we must walk a long half mile; to me, it seemed like a mile and a half; to a warm sulphur spring for a bath. We did not bathe long, but came back refreshed for our supper. Food relished here, better than it had elsewhere since we left home; I slept better too. We were to rest here all day, and we