of this death of his son in law William unclear he died this week before I came here - I have not seen him since my arrival - he died of a slow unclear fever- You will be surprised I suppose to see John W. Sterling I believe he intends to unclear - This company have done unclear - They have a large? quantity of goods ordered? which they expect to arrive? in time for this spring unclear when they no doubt will unclear a good unclear. they have a good share and comfortably unclear to unclear which is every thing in this county? - Mr Wheeler and Mr Davis Hawley? have. both unclear is this land - with Islands in a big bought? by this company unclear here is at present very dull indeed thousands and thousands of people are here doing nothing but what I call Loafing? It is now what they call this unclear season and such a mudy? dirty - unclear you never saw - But we try and enduring it in hopes of better and pleasenter? times in this spring In fact I am not much sorry to leave this place for a short time the latest? dates that I have unclear from home are letters and papers of Sept. 19th 1849 of course I was delighted to get them But I believe Father that I must stop writing for this present? and I dont know as I shall have time? to say anything more as I have yet to write? to Em - pray dont show this letter to any ones. tell them what you are a unclear to but