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as good as new. my cloths are in first unclear order and I am in want of nothing if you send me a bundle by the way of the unclear direct in care of Dewitt? and Harrison? that agent for our company put in the papers and unclear last unclear. We have service twice every Sunday on boardy?. How is Margaret and Louise Baker tell them the Barque Strafford? has not yet arrived here. and Mr and Mrs Baker. You must not expect me to ask about or think of every body for it is impossible for I dare say that I shall forget more than half the things I want to say to you which are the most important and where I skip any body they must take the will for the deeds and mind that I lay strict injunctions on you not to show this letter unclear of the family for the continual unclear and excitement make it impossible almost for me to express my ideas on paper in any thing like a unclear form while laying here we have taken in water and some fresh provisions we said tomorrow morning by sunrise we have not had any trouble in the least amoung ourselves but every thing works well our captain is an excellent man and liked by all? we have been bending on a new set