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Houses very few of which are over (live stories high??) built of brick (?) and white washed out side. The roofs are (?) of with old fashioned red tiles.While in front from the (?) story generally extended a balcony. Where the ladies just at night make their appearance. The sheets are mostly very (?) (shait?) and parell? with small (?) stance. I have been in all the churches and (serve?) gold and silvers ornaments, and candles sticks enough to build a house. One of the most magnificent spectacles that I ever expect to see in (witne..?) last eve. It was the (illumina?) trim of one of the largest cathedral in the city. Imagine a building of nearly twice the size of say the opera house. filled up in the most gorgeous style of which nothing that you ever saw could begin to compare lighted up with 1,600 wax candles 3 feet in length inside and 1,000 more outside in the square that surrounds the building. But (?) I can not describe it to you here as I want to but when I come home I will try and describe it so that you can form some idea of it. Which I am sure you can not from the dull description I have given you here. I have been all over the palace seen the (Emper?). Been to the (ca?) seen the (me?) and (M?). seen a Bull fight and a hundered other things.