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New York January 25th

Dear Mother

As you said that I must write a few lines every time I sent my clothes, I shall do so always when I have time. I got down safe Monday Morning - and was to the stars in good season enoughf. I saw Em night before last up to Mr Cromwells Yesterday she went to the unclear Oakleys to stay over Sunday and next week she goes to see Kate Morrisson and after that I guess she goes home-- things go on here about the same every day- I have just sold Henry Bafsett of N. Haven about $200 woth of goods. My leg is at last getting well for good - it is all healed over and I think will not break out again. I expect that Em will send me down a letter for you. tell Tom to write me a letter and put a Bridgeport paper in with my clothes every week without fail- Love to Aunt Eliza and Willy Your Henry