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May it pleas yor honr/ Kittery this 23 of Decembr 1694 These are to informe you, that this morninge came in the long looked for sloope designe? God willinge to morrow morninge to take out of her what is to be landed here and to putt abourde the souldiers that soe the unclear opertunity may be improved to sayle hence, which I hope may be tomorrow, however your hounor may be unclear and that they shall not stope a moment for me, for both the souldiers as well as myself have ben much wearyed in our long wayghtinge for I did well hope when the thing was first unclear on , that by this time the sloop might have unclear in a unclear to have returned I wish the long delaye hat hath been doe not prove detrimentall to our unclar in the souldiers absence though I deigne to send away as few of them as possible I can, but the long stay of the sloop hath unclear many others that was willinge to goe for to returne home; pray if the Indians be not unclear torn away I hope your honor will see cause to hasten them consideringe our circumstances in this remote parts, by the next when the sloope is gone I shall inlardge this the unclear unclear your honor's humble servant Francis Hooke