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communication of his: also, of the failure of his friends to introduce their doctrines into the councils of the Nation: -- also, of the impeachment of his friends, (not as he alledges, for holding opinions, but,) for holding secret correspondence prejudicial to the welfare of the country: -- also, of the neglect of Mr Ross, to pursue a course, such as was indicated by a series of resolutions adopted by the writer & his friend: all which to confirm the fact that their doctrines were exceedingly unpopular & unacceptable to the Cherokees; and not, that they were authorized to conclude the Treaty of strikeout New Echota. Although, from the foregoing examination it will strikeout appear evident, that, this writer & his associates could, of themselves, expect but feeble influence in disquieting the minds of the people; yet, the fact that they maintained the name of a party, furnished a pretext, to our enemies, for the propagation of false & exaggerated rumors of dubious animosities & discontents among the Cherokees, and for the falsification of reports prejudicial to the peace and interests of the Nation: all which operated unfavorably on our efforts to effect an arrangement of the difficulties in which our country was unhappily involved. Therefore, during the sitting of the General Council at Red Clay, in October 1835, in order to put an end to these evils, and to secure unity of sentiment & action, in a great effort to obtain a final settlement of our difficulties, a number of individuals on each side were selected, to confer on the existing dissentions and, if possible, to effect a reconciliation. The agreement concluded by these conferees, to be laid before the Council of the people, then present; has furnished this writer with occasion to prefer two charges against Mr Ross: with how much justice will soon appear. These charges are, 1st. The adding of certain clauses to the paper prepared by the conferees. And 2d, the adding of one member to the delegation appointed to conclude a Treaty with the United States: contrary, as alledged, to the stipulations of the Compromise made by