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facts strikeout to suite the purpose of sinister reporters. Among our own people, this production was not deemed worth of notice, & had already made good its retreat into the land of forgetfulness. But as a factitious importance may possibly be attached to it, from the dignity of the Honorable Body for whose use it is now printed. that consideration must be our apology for bestowing upon it a degree of attention to which it would not otherwise be entitled. The writer is one of the individuals who made what is called the New Echota Treaty, in December1835, which transaction the Cherokees utterly disavowed and against which they solemnly protest. It is not the design of your memorialists to combat all the subjects of cavil introduced by the writer, but, as we suppose his design to be to justify himself & his associates, in the past they acted in the making of that instrument, we shall endeavour to direct our inquiries to that point: in the course of which we think it will appear, that he has failed to establish the fact that they acted just or under strikeout lawful powers, from strikeout the parties whose rights and interests were to be affected by that transaction: but that on the contrary, it will appear that they were altogether destitute of such authority. We assume, as a just & fundamental principle, in Political Economy, that, in a community of equals, the supreme control should rest in the Majority. That no valid compact can be made on their behalf without their authority; much less, can it be done, in opposition to their express injunctions. And consequently, that the acts of a few unauthorized individuals can of right possess no binding force in the community. By this criterion, then, we beg to be indulged in a brief examination of this pamphlet, so far as it may