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To the Members of the Senate & House of Representatives of the United States, In Congress Assembled, most respectfully Sheweth, That your memorialists, citizens of the Cherokee Nation, whose names hereunder subscribed, have learned, from the public papers, that an order has passed strikeout the Honorable the Senate of the United States, to print a certain pamphlet, entitled "Letters and other papers, relating to Cherokee affairs, being a reply to sundry publications authorized by John Ross By E. Boudinott." And whereas, the said production is an emanation from a private individual, directed against another individual, and is of the nature of a private and personal dispute, which, in reason and in justice, we humbly conceive, ought not to affect deliberations involving questions vital to the rights & interests of the Cherokee people. Therefore, we do, earnestly and respectfully, protest against the doctrines advocated in said pamphlet, as contrary to the fundamental principles of justice and subversive of our undoubted rights. In doing which, however, we would, with submission, observe that we are not afraid of evidence : on the contrary, we solicit inquiry, we ask investigation, we invite attention to facts, from which alone a just conclusion can be drawn. On this point we desire no favor, we deprecate no rigour of scrutiny, we only strikeout ask a verdict according to evidence. We have nothing to conceal. We ardently wish all the facts in this case, in all their connections, were known to you honorable assemblies, to the high officers of your government, and to your great community. We should then be under no apprehension for the result of this question. We should have no doubt of receiving ample justice at your hands. It is the influence of one sided, distorted, reports, that we deprecate: suppressing, exaggerating and disguising facts