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left margin: Dec.  18.  On the 18th, we had an interview with Micanopy & others, prisoners in the Fort.  We read our correspondence with Gen: Jessup on the subject of their capture & explained to them fully of our innocence.  We then strikeout told them, that we would report to your fully of the whole proceedings from first to last; and you would report to the Secretary of War fully on the subject; and perhaps the government would take some measure for their relief.  Micanopy & others expressed their satisfaction with us.  The said they were satisfied that it was Gen: Jessup's doings in their capture &c.  Here ands our interview with Gen: Jessup & the Seminoleon Indians; and  left margin: "  19.  On the 19th we left St Augustine, with the intention of going home from Savannah, Georgia, or Charleston, S.C. according to your instruction; but Col: Sherburne insisted on our coming to Washington City on the 30th of December last, 1837.  signatures:  Hair Conrad X  Jesse Busheyhead  Tho Woodward X  Pole Cat X Interpreter.  note at bottom of page:  Washington Feb: 6. 1838.  Mr Wm Ross Esqr  The facts contained in this report which I hav written, and also, the circumstances and names strikeout: and dates and places, and time and dates are all correct & needs no alteration: but, if is not spelt well, nor , is it in good English.  Perhaps in sentences there is too many words & some places not enough -- and perhaps in some places a word is used improperly.  To this you are at perfect liberty to correct & alter &c.  Very respectfully  Your most obt: servt:  Jesse Busheyhead.  PS.  And also the preface, or the introductory sentence or strikeout line Sentences; you can put such a one as you think best.  Your &c. J.B.