manuscripts prove, with a head much more flattened than any which has been seen amongst the Caribs, and they never disfigured the heads of their children. But many of the Southern tribes have adopted the barbarous custom of pressing the heads of their children between two boards, in imitation, no doubt, of the Mexican form, which, in their estimation, was beautiful, or in some way advantageous. And here it may not be amiss to mention, that the Chilians, who lived far to the south of the equator, as formerly did the Scythians, Goths, Vandals, Gauls & Germans, so remarkable in ancient times for their stature, did on the other side of it, (1 Molina 233, 234, 236, 237; 2 Molina,111, 114, 197, [[ vertical line with 3 horizontal lines through it, 502.) were men of large stature. 199.
_____"The length & dimensions of the skeletons which are found in East & West Tennessee "____" will prove demonstratively, that the ancient inhabitants of this country, either the primitive or secondary settlers, were men of gigantic stature, compared with the present races of Indians. On the farm of Mr John Miller, of White County, are a number of small graves, and also many large ones, the bones of which show that the bodies to which they belonged, when alive, must have been seven feet high and upwards. About the year 1814, Mr Lawrence? found