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attending to stock, & have some level land, moderately rich. They have a few hogs, cattle & horses. 10. Sau,woo,ge,lo is 6 miles below O,Co,nee on the right bank of the river - a new settlement in the open pine forest. Below this for 4 1/2 miles, the land is flat on the river & much of it in the bend good for corn. Here We,lau,ne (yellow water) a fine flowing creek, joins the river, and still lower, Co,wag,gee (partridge) a creek 60 yards wide at its mouth. Its force in the ridge dividing its waters from Ko,e,ne,cuh Choctau hatchee and Telague hatchee. They have some settlements in this neighborhood on good land. 11. Sau,woog,e,loo,che is 4 miles below Oconee on the left bank of the river in oakey wood, which extend back one mile to the pine forest. They have about 20 families and plant in the bends of the river. They have a few cattle. 12. Eu,fau,lau is 15 miles below Sau,woogelo on the left bank of the river, on a pine flat. The fields are on both sides of the river, on rich flats. Below the town, the land is good. These people are very poor, but generally well behaved & very friendly to white people. They are not given to horse stealing - have some stock, are attentive to it, have some land fenced, and are preparing for more. They have spread out their settlements down the river about 8 miles below the town, counting on the river path, there is a little village on good land,