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Chattohoche. The exemplary punishment inflicted on them by the warriors of the nation has effectually checked their mischief-making & silenced them. And this Chief has had a solemn warning from the national Council to respect the laws of the nation or he should meet the punishment ordained by the law. He is one of the great medal chiefs. This spirit of party or opposition, prevails, not only here, but more or less in every town in the nation. The plainest propositions for ameliorating their condition is immediately opposed & this opposition continues as long as there is hope to obtain presents, the infallable mode, heretofore, in use to gain a point.

2. Took,au,bat,che. The ancient name of this town is Ispo,co,gee: the derivation uncertain. It is situated on the right bank of Tallapoosa, opposite the junction of Eufaube, 2 1/2 miles below the falls of the river, on a beautiful level. The course of the river from the falls to the town is south - it then turns E. 3/4 of a mile & short round a point opposite. Eu,fau,be, - thence W & W by N. to its confluence with Coosau, about 30 miles. It is 100 yards wide opposite the town house to the S. and here are two good fords during the summer - One just below the point of a small island - the other 100 yards still lower.  The falls; - after tumbling over a bed of rock for half a mile, the water is forced into two channels, one 30 the other 15 feet wide. The fall 40 feet in 50 yards. The channel on the right side which is the widest, falls nearly 20