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Conquest but never then the Indians had given occasion by acts of hostility. I speak of North America. Banished far from memory, be the Spanish Blood Hounds, Cortez & Pizzaro as unfit for any human reference When the Olive Branch of paper torn will to men is seen at every door when a new era had commenced, words crossed out & the world is making the nubine effort of relieving, nations yet in darkness, to, behold the splendor of the rising happiness of nations, in the enjoyment of liberty and Religion, we may well be astonished to hear an inglorious doctrine, that force is right. Sent abroad from a quath that we have been taught to believe, would esteem the doctrine in the greatest of abhorence! Is it possible, that any Citizens of the States, have so fallen from the exalted virtue of their ancestors, as in reality capable of believing, in 1828 -