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cards & Looms. It appears when this change of Hunter life to a civilised one was proposed by the Agent to the Chiefs in Council, that he was unanimously laughed at by the Council, for attempting introduced white peoples habits among the Indians who were created to pursue the chase. Not discouraged here, the Agent smudge turned to Individuals, & succeeded to gain some to pay their attention to his plan by way of experiment, which he ceded. An anecdote is related of a Chief who was heartily opposed to the Agents views. He came to Col. Dinsmoor, lined out: told him, that he & said, I don't want you to recommend then things to my people. They may suit white people, but will do well for the Indians. I am now going to hunt & shall be gone six moons & when I return, I shall expect to hear nothing of your talks made in absence, to induce my people to take hold of your plan." But in his absence the Agent induced his wife & daughter to spin,