Lead me to Wisdom, turn'd from Folly's road, and from rebellion to the fear of GOD. Speak but the word, the winds and waves shall fall, shall cease their fury and obey thy call, O GOD, my heart to thine obedience turn, And let my breast with pure affection burn, Whate'er offends they heavenly Majesty, The world shall see me concientious flee, As the High Priest alone thow didst permit to enter in they Temple's holiest seat, So thy laws only shall my thoughts employ, from thence alone shall spring my constant joy. Flee'd thus from filthy lusts imperious sway, My faithfull soul shall thee alone obey. Give me to taste those boudless pleasures LORD. That swell the breasts of those that keep thy word. Those precepts on the faithful heart distill. With what a relish do they such those springs, whose souls are focused on everlasting things!