at this place among the scholars while they were at school, but I can remember none who were attending this school in past years, who are now in their grave. When I hear of the deaths of acquaintance I then think we ought to be prepared to leave this world when God think best. You mentioned that Miss Nash informed you about the seriousness of the scholars at Brainerd and that some have united with the church. They do not feel so much at this time but I hope they will. The family feels anxious that they should attend to to those things and talk to them as much as they did a few months past. We have heard of the girls at Candy's Creek, it seems that there is more seriousness among the people around that neighborhood. You mentioned that Mr. Walker taught you how to sing, when he was here he wrote off a hymn for the girls and we after sing it. many times Miss Ames has the girls all take their seat before evening worship after they have laid aside their work for the purpose of singing, then we often ask her why she does not learn to sing. How glad we should be to have our teacher sing with us. One of the scholars promised her if she would learn to sing she would give her a Cherokee cotton frock. Sometimes Mrs. Elsworth sings with us she has taught us a great many tunes. Perhaps you would like to know what I am studying. I have cummings first lessons in geography, a part of Worcester, and now studying Woodbridges. I have just commenced studying English grammar likewise get lessons in Colburns arthmetick. Do you think that you shall ever visit us? I know it is a great distance. Do you not think that we shall be glad to see you?