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Tekakiskee. - "I am very proud to see my young "Chiefs and our Father the Presidents great Chiefs "talks. - Also that the business is nearly over, and that "things are going on without difficulty. As my "friend the little Turkey has sent me to the President to

make peace. I am very happy the

"young chiefs are making a lasting peace and "taking you fast hold by the hand. These young "Chiefs who are boys to look at, - they may grow "and help the beloved men of our nation "and your's also I hope they may use their "endeavours to preserve the peace, they are now "making. I am an old man - am sent "as abeloved man to the President our father - "I have heard your good talks as I cannot "live long, hope the children of your nation may "preserve good and lasting peace. - that they "never more may have war with you - that "they may as they grow, always remember all the "good talks that have been given them."-

Thursday June 26, 1794 The Secretary of War


" unclear meet to put a finishing " hand to our business, to sign certain articles for " the purpose of confirming the pa? between ' the United States and the Cherokee Nation " I most sincerely pray that the Great Spirit " would in future prevent all misunderstandings " and breaches of our friendship. " We mean to restrain our bad young men " by the laws and authority of the whole Nation " If they commit any bad action against your " people the President of the United States must " make you satisfaction. So in like manner " if any of your bad young men steal " horses which is the source of almost all " the quarrels between you and the whites, your " whole nation must be answerable for it. " Then everyone will have an interest in " watching over the conduct of the bad men " and prevent their stealing horses, or cause " them to be returned within ninety days