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Resolved by the Committee and Council In General Council Convened- That the people here, present be called together for the purpose of giving their decision in open assembly as to whether they are disposed to treat with the General Government of the United States upon the basis of selling their country for the sum of Five Millions of Dollars, as proposed by the United States Commissioner: And be it further resolved, that Delegation consisting of John Rofs, Principal Cheif, Richard Taylor, Lewis Rofs, John Martin, James Brown, James Daniel, Thomas Foreman, Richard Fields, Sleeping Rabbitt, Joseph Braun, John Benge, Colenawa, Elijah Hicks, John Hufs, John Balridge, Peter of Aquohee, [ Jesse Template:Brushyhead?, John ridge, Elias Template:Boudinott?, and Charles Vaun,] he endowed with Template:Unclear powers to enter into an arrangement with the General Government of the United States, for a final adjustment of the existing difficulties of the Cherokee Nation, upon such basis and terms as may be deemed by them best fitted to secure the present peace and Template:Unclear prosperity of the Cherokee people: Resolved, that the aforesaid Delegation be authorized, if practicable, to effect such an arrangement with any Commissioner or Commissioners of the United States Government who may be here upon the spot,- provided they, the aforesaid Delegation, are satisfied that such Commissioner or Commissioners possess adequate powers to complete such treaty arrangement: Resolved if, for any reason, the aforesaid Delegation do not conclude a Treaty here, upon the ground, that they be authorized to proceed to the city of Washington, there to negotiate finally with the General Government of the United States: And, Resolved, Lastly that to prevent all future misconception or unnecessary trouble, the Cherokee Nation will abide by the decision of the aforesaid Delegation consisting of John Rofs, Principal Chief, Richard Taylor, Lewis Rofs, John Martin, James Brown, James Daniel, Thomas Foreman, Richard Fields, Sleeping Rabbit, Joseph Vaun, John Benge, Colenawa, (William Template:Unclear) there names were not inserted until after the resolution of the 24th. Elijah