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and, since that, Alabama and Tenessee, if not North Carolina, have done the same. There has been no election under the Cherokee Constitution since 1828, and as their Chiefs, Committee, and Council were elected or two years only, there is now therefore no regular and constitutional organization; and as to their Government, they are resolved into their original elements and the sovereign power is in the people alone, when assembled in a General National Council, such as war concerned at Running Waters in July last. Mr. Rofs, however this partisans, here resolved themselves into the Council of the Nation; and as one and the other leaves them, he fills the vacancy by his own appointment; and this they call the proper authority of the nation. I have thus presented you, as briefly as possible, what I believe to be the true state of facts, in reference to Cherokee matters; and it is for the Government of the United States and Legislature of the several states, who are interested in this question, to determine what other measures it will be proper to take, in reference to the Reserves Template:Unclear Emigrants, if they do not speedily accept o the liberal propositions offered them for a Treaty: for it is this class of men, alone, who have made all the difficulties that Cherokees have experienced, and prevented an adjustment of them. It has, however, been said in some of the public prints that Mr. John Rofs and his partisans, are willing to take the five millions awarded by the Senate of the United States. This may be, if it were left for them to Template:Unclear of as they pleased. But the government of the United States is determined, while it does ample justice to all, to protect the rights of the common Indians. This is evident rom the proposed Treaty; and from which there will be no national variation.- And is not this enough? And why should these Reserves who have already received for their share, from $3,000 to $8,000 each, have the whole money for the country at their Template:Unclear? They