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their own power and authority- see page 12,15,16 and 45, of the book of their laws, published at Knoxville in 1826. In the Acts alone referred Template:Unclear, we find that in 1826, not content with their present power and authority, these Committee Men and Counsellors, Resolved on forming an independent kind of state government within the jurisdiction of the States of Georgia, North Carolina, Tenessee, and Alabama, and they formed a Constitution for their government, July 6. 1827, which is signed by the following persons, - John Rofs, President of the Convention,- John Baldridge, Gus Lowry, John Brown, Edward Gunter, John Martin, Kee lee chu lee, Lewis Rofs, Thomas Foreman, John Duncan, Richard Walker, Rserves; and Template:Unclear, an enrolled emigrant, - in all, twelve; and also by Joseph Nown of Template:Unclear, Hare Conrad and Joseph Template:Unclear of Hightower,- Template:Unclear Pettitt, John Beamer, James Daniel, Site wakee, Jim Timpson, Belenota, Template:Unclear, Secretary of the Convention, in all ten. Thus you will perceive that a majority of the convention were either reserves or enrolled emigrants, who had already disproved all their interest in the country; and a minority only of the convention could have rightfully any authority or claim in the Cherokee Country. About this time the National Committee and Council passed the following law to silence opposition to their measures. "Resolved by the National Committee and Council that any person or persons whatever who shall be forced guilty of forming unlawful meetings with the intent to create faction, against the peace and tranquility of the people; to encourage rebellion against the laws and government of the Cherokee Nation, shall receive one hundred strikes on the bare back." This was the first thing around the Template:Unclear of Georgia and led her to adopt the measures she has since pursued. And the Cherokee people may justly attribute all their difficulties to the ambition and low of power in there reserves who organized and carried into effect this new government. With this view, no doubt, to prevent an adjustment of difficulties between the United States and the Cherokee, which arose in consequence of the measures pursued