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changed Template:Unclear of the members with bad faith towards Mr Rofs. I do not know what pledges or promises were made by any in relation to the Treaty on the Bill making the appropriations; - but I certainly did understand that some of the Senators who voted for the Treaty had done so contrary to all expectation, and that one of them voted for it after having spoken against it in the Senate. Mr Rofs was not only disappointed in the result, but a portion of the Senate also. Judge White, I was informed denounced the Treaty and from the fact of his opposition, it was brought before the Senate from the Indian Committee without a written report to Template:Unclear him from the responsibility of it rejection, as Template:Cach? Senator would necessarily have to examine all the documents connected with it and decide for himself. an up to the day of its ratification, it was believed he would vote against it. The most sanguine expectation was indulged that the Treaty would be rejected and another formed and this belief was predicated upon the representations of Senators and members of the House. How far Mr Rofs may have been influenced in his course by the advise of members, I cannot say, but my long and intimate acquaintance Template:Unclear the belief that he has, at any time, been actuated y improper motives. I feel some delicacy in particularizing individuals, as I was not a member of that delegation and did not, from my situation, change my memory with facts which generally reached me seemed-handed. The first intimation I had that an attempt would be made to defeat the appropriation in the house, was by a Representation from Tennessee friendly to Judge White, who showed much anxiety in relation to this business, but, with others, I am now satisfied that his zeal was prompted by the political interests of his friend from the Presidency. I do not know whether any strong hopes were entertained that the Bill would be defeated by the Delegation, but I know at one time it was believed that some of the members would oppose the Bill, who afterwards voted for it, and others found it convenient to be absent. In obtaining the $10,000 I believe Mr Lea of Tennessee was concerned, but in what particular manner I do not know. If that had not been obtained, I am informed that money had been preferred elsewhere, but they chose to take the one nearest home. Very respectfully Your obedient servant W.S. Template:Goodey?