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did not fall within the limits of the added territory, consequently they have had no reservation secured to them. There may be some, also, who registered their names for emigration, and have not removed. Of these Mr Schermerhorn would also complain, and with uncharitable feelings ask, "what right have they and their descendants in the present Cherokee Country East? or to exercise power and authority here?" And he then answers himself, "Certainly, non!"- and proceeds to say that they have no reason to expect that the United States will pay them twice for their rights to these lands; nor permit them any longer to meddle with this matter; if they Template:Unclear in the course they have adopted. It must be remembered that the Treaty of 1817 is finally and fully closed by that of 1819: and that this latter one secures unto the Cherokee people their permanent rights and interests in the lands reserved to their nation within the boundaries therein described- and it is for the surrender of which, that Mr Schermerhorn has been appointed Commissioner to negotiate with this nation : - the right, therefore, must Template:Unclear in the Cherokee Nation and not in that of the United States- or why should a Commissioner be sent here, it must be clear that the nation have the right to do as they please, so far as concerns the appointment of their own Chiefs, own country ment, of men who are of their own choice; and, also, to receive those of their own countrymen into all the rights and privileges of citizenship, who may have left the nation for awhile, and Template:Unclear a migrant the white people. Mr Schermerhorn has thought proper to quote