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river, those lying within the states of Georgia, North Carolina and Tenessee, for the benefit of those states who claim the right of soil and those within the state of Alabama for the benefit of the United States, and they also agree to commute and accept in full for all their claims against the United States of every kind and nature whatever, the sum of $5,000,000 according to the award of the Senate of the United States which shall be paid as detailed in the following Articles: But whereas a question has arisen between the Commissioner and the Agents of the Cherokee Nation whether the Senate of the United States intended to include in the award also the just claims of the Cherokee people against the United States, in the price of the land only, it is therefore agreed that that matter shall again be referred to the Senate for their determination and in case the claims were not intended to be included, the, in addition to 5,000,000 Dollars, these shall be allowed for claims such as a sum as the Senate of the United States shall award for the same, and which sum shall be paid as detailed in the following Articles: but if the Senate shall not allow this additional amount, it shall not invalidate this Treaty: Whereas, by the Treaty of May 6th 1828, and the supplementary treaty thereto, of Feb:14:1833 with the Cherokee West of the Mississippi, the United States guaranteed and served to be conveyed by patent to the Cherokee Nation of Indians, the following tract of country *(see Ridges Treaty, page 4, Beginning @ the word "Beginning" and terminating 2nd column of same page, at the end of Art 3,- with their diference,- 2nd line from the top of page 4, after "therefore", the Template:Unclear treaty insert the words "in consideration of the sum of $500.000. - And at the Template:Unclear of Art. 3, following the word "Template:Unclear granted"" - the Template:Unclear Treaty insert "A Template:Unclear Template:Unclear reduction shall be made for the same by the United States" The 4th Article of Ridges Treaty is then included in this clause, for as the words- "May 28th 1830"- when after the omission of 22 words, the Template:Unclear treaty returns to that of Ridges, beginning at the words- "the military reservation" and after reciting 11 1/2 lines ends at "shall be made."- This ends the Miss. Article alluded to.- In the west Miss. Article after omitting 9 lines from Art. 5. o Ridges proceeds- beginning "The U.S also stipulate and agree" and proceeding Template:Unclear, to the end of ridges 5th article, adds to it as follows: