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n there is not an encouraging prospect of specially Template:Unclear one with them, consistently with the instructions and views already communicated to you, you will immediately leave their country and return to this place. Template:Unclear Elbert Herring Hon J.F. Schermerhorn Calhoun Tennessee Cherokee Agency Dec. 2. 1835 Sir The Template:Unclear Delegation of the Cherokee Nation, in reply to your letter of the 30th Template:Unclear have only to refer you to their letter of the 30th of October last to the Revd Template:Unclear F. Schermerhor, it being the last and final communication the Delegation had to make to Mr Schermerhorn, on the subject of his Template:Unclear... They have now only to re-iterate the contents of that letter; and request that you will have the goodness so to inform Maj Carroll and Schermerhorn: also, that, in pursuance of the Template:Unclear, duty enjoined on the Delegation by the Cherokee Nation, they have set Template:Unclear on their journey for the seat of the United States Government. Template:Unclear the honor to be, Sir, Your obd Servt Johhn Rofs Elijah Hicks John . Baldridge John Benge James Template:Unclear Joseph Vaun Lewis Rofs John Hufs x R. Taylor Sleeping Rabbit in behalf of themselves and others Cherokee Delegation