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Red Clay Council Ground Oct 30. 1835 Sir, I am informed by some of your delegation that you have taken a copy of the propositions for the Treaty I proposed to you today for you consideration. You have seen Template:Unclear to reject any propositions; and, without my consent, you had no right to take a copy of my papers; and therefore you are requested to deliver the copy you have taken without any consent to Major Davis. With respect You obs servant J.F. Schermerhorn US. Comm treat with the Cherokee East Mr John Rofs Template:Unclear The following was sent after the Template:Unclear up of the Council, to the private residence of Mr Rofs, Oct:31- by Maj Davis, when he delivered the proceeding. Red Clay Council Ground Oct Template:Unclear. 1835 Sir, I am under the necessity of returning you letter of yesterday, because it contains several statements which are not true; as is evident from the whole of my correspondence. 1st Template:Unclear to my credentials or Commission to treat with the Cherokees East. This I have read publicly at the Council of Running Waters; and, to avoid misrepresentation, I sent them for you to see by Major Davis who stated he had shown them to you.2nd. Its to my opportunities to address the people. I was never notified that the Council were in session; and it was remarked by the gentlemen on the ground, that apparently every means was Template:Unclear to prevent me from addressing them, and when requested by me to assemble them for that purpose, it was not done. 3rd: As to a Treaty I have stated what you