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and justice and I am done. Another treaty will never be proposed to them under my administration, and this you may assure them." This letter is in the proper unclear unclear of unclear Jackson, and the question now presents itself, what is to be done? - It is for you to make the answer. unclear are of a loss, and are extremely anxious, either to see or hear from you at the earliest possible period. If you cannot unclear unclearas our residence, name some place where and when we can meet you. We had expected to hear from you after the unclear of the Council unclear Red Clay. We are without advice from unclear, and unclear quality at a loss what course we should pursue. Will you favour us, if you cannot meet us here or elsewhere, with your unclear in this, to us, as well as the Cherokee people, most important subject? We understand that Gov Lumpkin has detailed unclear of unclear men and placed them under the command of the notorious unclear N. Bishop, for the unclear, no doubts, of raining a difficulty between the Cherokees and Whites, and if blood is ever shed between the parties, we fear the result may unclear serious. The maximum of tyrants seems to be the order of the day, "that power gives unclear." unclear are, very respectfully, Your unclear and unclear unclear unclear Y. Hansell S? Rockwell