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took leave of the Honorable Secretary. - Copies of the correspondence between the Delegation and the Department of War in reference to the propositions unclear are herewith respectfully submitted, for the information of your Honorable body. The views and sentiments of the Delegation in behalf of their nation being so clearly and fully expressed int hat correspondence, it would be useful for them to say anything further; - but, in conclusion, they would most respectfully call the serious attention of your Honorable body to a full view of their case, and the grave questions which have grown out of it, for your consideration. In connection with the various rights and claims of the Cherokee Nation, under the Soleman lands of treaty unclear, it will be seen that where their nation recognized the Cherokee people to be under the protection of the United States Government, and of no other foreign whomsoever, a valuable consideration in lauds and were surrendered to the United States; and in consequence whereof, the protection of the government was guarantees to them and is faithful solemnly pledged for that protection. The Delegation would now appeal to determine whether their propositions under the existing treaties ought not to be enforce; or whether the Cherokee people ought to be forced to abandon their country by the force of unprovoked oppressions under the exercise of state authority unclear/ And as humble Dependents supplicant they once more (and perhaps for the last time) unclear themselves in behalf of their suffering nation, before your Honorable body, to determine the fate of that people, who are dependent upon the protection of the United States Government and are at its mercy. Washington City March 3. 1835

John Ross, R. Taylor, Dan McCoy, Same Gunter, M Rosen.