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195 to disseminate general knowledge in the various branches peculiar to a civilised community. We say, when all these things are fully weighed, we cannot doubt that this proposition will be promptly met on the part of the general government.

We have the honor to be, Sir, Very respectfully Your oft Hble Serts

Mr Ross R. Taylor Danl McCoy Saml Gunter Mr Rogers.

To the Hon: Lewis Cass Secretary of War.

Washington City, Feby 27th 1835.

Sir, Having been informed by Wm H. Underwood Esq, & others, that the President considers the terms of our propositions to be too extravagant, we beg leave to remind him, that he has often remarked that he would grant us as liberal terms as the Senate, or the friends of the Indians, would be willing to allow.- We would therefore respectfully ask that our Propositions be submitted to the Senate by the President, in order that the sense of that Honorable body may be had on them. We have the honor to be, Sir, Yr oft Hble Servs Mr Ross. R. Taylor Danl McCoy Sam Gunter Mr Rogers,