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Heavenly father in prison. I have lately fpent several weeks at Dirt Town, where I have attended some meetings. I think some are ferious and wish to have religion. When I go about, I think you ? to go with me fometimes; and I pray that you may be returned to your home, that you may again ? the Cherokees, and that you may again be feated with them at the table of the Lord. Whether this will be the case, we cannot tell; for our lives are fhort, and we may be called from this world ina few days. God has lately told us these things, by his taking away Rachel, and I hope I shall think of them and try to do all the good I can while my life is spared. Please to give my love to ?. Your brother in the church, John Wayne.

My dear, I have tranfcribed fixteen letters from the Cherokees, but I fear this sheet will prove unintelligible, as every thing about it has been done in fuch haste. I shall not have room to write a ? past of what I wished, but I think ? Fuller will write next week, and I request her to pick up the items that I shall be obliged to omit. Mr. Rofs informs us that he received information by way of Mr. Covdy that the mifsionary prisoners' trial would not come on till last Monday. We understand that Mr. Boudin and Mr. Ridge are very fuccefsful in awakening an interest for the Cherokees in their journey.

I think I must talk a little about farming. We shall have to defend a good deal upon our own management. If good providence returns your home this spring, much ought to be done on the farm before that time. Plean write what you intended to do about the fences - where the oats must be foun. Some say it will be best to change the ground for them this year. Finally, I wish you to be particular in giving directions, - four our friends from other frations? do not visit us long enough to see what would be best.

Mr. Steiner gave me a mefrafr? for you and Mr W.? from him, but {{?} have room only for the substance - said he wished? to be remembered to you with much affection; - that he had visited that neighborhood for the purposed of attending meeting, because he had given his promised fo to do several weeks previous; - that he had not time to visit at much distance in this way, but hoped that he was visiting to do all in his power ? Post and ? Fuller find live; but fister Nancy says the is ashamed to. We readily ? that the reasoning that she had not written. She says she does not think we are very fmart to tell you, for she only said it in the kitchen. Children wll well. William as healthy as the others - send love - Esthers ?, but little ? - Begins to step alone - our fschool ? - one of the girls asked if I were writing to you - I answered year 0 she says "Please give my love to him." "Mine, too," "Mine too","I,too" "I,too" was heard throughout the throng.

27th. Could not fend this last week - was much disappointed - Mr. Ellswoonth has written that he was about fetting out to see Mr. Beecher on the ? of carrying Mifs Post to New England - thinks he may probably get a convegance for her with Doctor Kain - Mr. Beecher thinks of writing you