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people that put you in prison. I do not hate them because they treated you so. I think it may be that the Saviour will give them new hearts. My beloved brother, when I think of your sufferings, I think you will remember that Christians have to suffer a great deal in this world before they get to heaven. I think you will remember, too, how much the Saviour suffered when he was upon earth. I remember your instructions, & thank you for them all. I will try to keep up the meetings, the same as if you were here. You know how my health was when you left. I am now better. My arm is much better. Almost all your neighbours have been sick, but I come to your house and find your family and all the Cherokee children in your family, well. I wish to have this read to Mr Worcester. I feel that he is my brother too. I hope you will both put your trust in the Saviour. This is all I can say to you now. Your brother who loves you. * [see footnote] S. J. Mills "

"Dear Brother I wish to say a few words to you and send love to you & Mr Worcester. I feel very sorry for you; but I think we shall meet again in this world. I have been very sick, not able to walk about since you left; but I am now better; am able to be at your house this morning. When I was sick, I thought God sent sickness for my sins. I felt willing to die if God thought best. Doctor Butler, I think a great deal about your being in prison. I love you as I should if you were my own brother. I send my love to Mr Worcester and think you will both be happy because you love the Saviour. Darkee Mills."

Oct. 6, Mr Weir left us this morning for a visit to Tenassee. Mr J. is with us in his absence. I gave Mr Weir an order on Mr Lavender for forty dollars, the balance of his wages. He rode one of our horses; is expected to return in two weeks. Mr J. will soon remove his family to Creck Path.

Oct. 8. Mr Wheeler with his wife & child, is with us today. They are on their way to Willstown. Miss Fuller wrote me by them. She says Mrs Worcester is gaining in health - is now able to tae a part in all her domestick concerns. Likewise, writes that Miss Sawyer is about to commence school, that Mr & Mrs Ellsworth are about visiting New Echota & will probably visit Haweis before their return. I expect you have been informed of the sickness at Brainerd, & death of Mary Ann Vail. she was attcked with a fever the Sabbath after you left there, & died the next Friday morning. This instance of mortality has caused mourning throughout their little community. How much we have to remind us of the

[Footnote] * Elder of the Church.