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To Messrs unclear unclear unclear Executive Department unclear Cherokee Nation Lewis Ross November 27th 1829 Richard Taylor Joseph Vann and William S. Coodey Gentlemen, In pursuance of a resolution of the General Council, you have been nominated & with the advice & consent of the Committee, appointed as delegates to represent before the General government the true sentiments and feelings of the Cherokee people in regard to our present grievous situation, and, if possible, to adjust with the officers of the General Government such public and individual claims as remain unsettled. When you arrive at the seat of government, you will report your arrival unclear the War Department, to the President and request an interview with him as soon as his conveniences will permit. you will take occasion at your interview with the President to communicate to him the leading objects of your visit. This may be done in writing, prepared for the purpose, & to h delivered by the appointment principal chief, after your salutation. The ideas & Sentiments to be advanced in this address should be dignified & impressive as well as decisive & respectful. I place in your hands a memorial from the immediate representation of the Cherokee people, in general Council Convened, to Congress, which you will present unclear the Honorable Speaker of the House of Representatives; also, Sundry documents containing the correspondence between our late delegation and the Honble Secry of War; likewise the Memorial, laid before the last session of Congress by them. These papers will exhibit to you the situation in which the several subjects therein embraced now stand, and it become your duty to call the attention of the Government to them for a decision. You will draw up in behalf of the Nation & present before Congress a memorial praying that an act may be passed to refund the money which has been deducted out of our annuity to ratify the claim of the Messrs Reid for an ardent spirits confiscated from therein, under a Law of this Nation, _ They having subjected themselves to it, penalty by law rending that unclear, & stratifying liquid within our limits. You will submit with this memorial a copy of the correspondence between the delegation & the Secretary of War on the Subject. You will also call the attention of the members of Congress to the memorial which was presented at