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placed in the same grounds as citizens of the nation & be required to obtain permits agreeably to the provisions of this resolution; and was approved by Mr Taylor & Mr J. Vann (Coosawattie). Considerable debate arose on Mr Gunter's motion & it was argued to some length & with considerable warmth. Mr Gunter occupied the ground of how inconsistent was the introduction of white men into the nation & the giving them right & privileges natural born citizens are debarred from by legislation acts. Messers Taylor & Vann argued on the unclear of education & the good which has been produced by mission establishments. On motion of Mr Gunter the Bill was laid on the table until further information could be procured unclear the privileges which were granted them by the National Authorities at the time when they were first permitted to make establishments. Jos. Vann (C.) moved that the law passed 1824 respecting citizens hiring without permits be amended so as to make the penalty greater; - and moved that the penalty be $50, in lieu of the penalty prescription forced law for every violation thereof. Mr Bolin moved that the penalty be $25. The question being taken, the votes were for Vann's amendment, 8. For Bolin's $25. The following resolution was then passed & sent to the Council for Concurrence. Resolved by the Committee Council in General Council Convened, That the law passed 13th Nov. 1824 on the Subject of citizens of the nation receiving into their employment citizens of the United States without permits, by and the same in, hereby so amended that the penalty therein unclear for such offences, by and the same hereby is, raised to $50 for each & every such violation, that any citizens of the nation may be convicted of by the Circuit Court of the respective district." Thursday 5th The resolution respecting the issuing of permits was taken up & after some debate, a motion was made not to include the missionaries in the resolutions: was seconded & agreed to by the house. The following resolution, as amended, was then passed, in lieu of the one rejected