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The ayes and nays being taken were as follows: for David Vann's amendment II: for Jos Vann's 4. Edward Gunter moved that the Schoolmaster be exempted from the tax under this resolution & opposed by Vann (Coosawattie) & David. The question being taken it was decided that permits for Schoolteacher be taxed also. The votes were: Ayes 9 Nays 5. Thomas Foreman moved that the Resolution be further amended so that no permit should produce a certificate signed by unclear respectable citizens of the neighborhood, that such a mechanic or person is actually needed. The amendment was objected to by D. Vann, on the grounds that it was not expedient and advised that it would be better to pass a law making it the duty of the officer to unclear that the permits be put to the use for which they are obtained & that the person giving Security for the permit was self-sufficient without any recommendation. The Ayes & Nays being taken on the adoption of Mr Foreman's amendment were as follows: Ayes, 4: Nays 10. Edward Gunter moved that the person obtaining a permit shall alone be bound for the good behavior & no security required. The votes being taken were, for the adoption Yeas, 6: Nays: 9. Jos Daniel moved that the employer shall be bound only for the payment of any felonious acts the person employed might commit during the time he may be employed under the permit; provided that the amount cannot be be collected from the person so offending. The amendment was adopting without a dissenting vote. - After further discussion, the House adjourned to meet tomorrow 10, o'clock. Tuesday 4th. Committee met according to adjournment. The unfinished resolution of yesterday respecting permits was again taken up. Mr Gunter moved that missionary establishments be